Recently, I wanted to find a VPS host for a mobile computer room because I was building a VPS host server line quality monitoring platform. After searching around Tencent Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, etc., I found that there is no simple mobile computer room VPS, all are BGP lines. This should be because everyone buying VPS must want smooth access to all three networks, so pure mobile and China Unicom computer rooms will definitely not be sold.

However, China Mobile's launch of mobile cloud is indeed its own mobile line computer room. I took a look at the official website of Mobile Cloud. This product has been launched for several years. Unfortunately, both in terms of reputation and publicity, it is far less outstanding than Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, etc. In addition, many people may not know that China Unicom and telecom companies have also launched their own cloud hosting platforms, and the prices are not as cheap as Alibaba Cloud.

This article will briefly share the performance and speed evaluation data of Mobile Cloud VPS host. The main problem of China Mobile's Mobile Cloud is still the price. If there is no promotion, the price of Mobile Cloud is compared with Alibaba Cloud and Tencent. The clouds and so on must be high. Other speeds and performance are okay, especially the speed. I found that China Telecom and China Unicom access is not very slow either.

Mobile Cloud VPS Host Performance and Speed ​​Evaluation-Cloud Host and Cloud Storage Service Platform Launched by China Mobile

For more VPS host performance and speed evaluations, you can check out the special page of the website: access to CN2 line VPS host providers and computer room summary and VPS host ranking list. VPS hosts can not only be used to build websites, but we can also use them to capture and collect information, build self-built web services, etc. Friends who do not know how to use VPS can first install a VPS host control panel, so that it is almost the same as a virtual host.

Related tutorials can be found as follows:

  1. The new version of Pagoda VPS host panel website building experience - refreshing and fool-like operation with comprehensive functions
  2. Installation and use of HashOver free open source PHP comment system - self-built comment system instead of third party
  3. Huginn manual installation tutorial on Debian/Ubuntu - grab full-text RSS and WeChat public account open source software

PS: Updated on January 16, 2017, foreign CN2 VPS access is also very fast, reaching MB/s or more. Here is a foreign host provider that provides cheap CN2 VPS: HostDare US CN2 VPS Host performance and speed evaluation - cheap but slow IO speed.

PS: Updated on September 23, 2018, If you want to try other VPS hosts from China Unicom, China Mobile and China Telecom computer rooms, here are: Domestic Telecom NAT VPS, China Unicom NAT VPS and China Mobile NAT VPS usage reviews- CloudIPLC and Uovz VPS.

PS: Updated on October 1, 2018, If you want to use the VPS host of China Unicom Computer Room, you can try the Unicom Woyun product promoted by China Unicom: China Unicom Woyun VPS host experience-China Unicom Computer Room VPS Woyun Wo Cloud performance test.

1. Mobile Cloud VPS Host Operation Management

Mobile Cloud official website:

  1. HTTPS://E cloud.10086.abilities/

The following is the management panel of Mobile Cloud VPS host. It has many functions: cloud host, cloud storage, cloud security, cloud network, database, etc. It is basically in line with Tencent Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, etc. (Click to enlarge)

Currently, Discovery Mobile Cloud VPS host mirroring service is free, and you can use it to quickly create an identical VPS host on another VPS host.

As for other functions, they either require a fee or are not used by individuals.

2. Mobile Cloud VPS Host Performance Speed

This is the mobile cloud VPS host CPU, memory and disk IO read and write speed. The disk IO speed is much better than Alibaba Cloud.

Because it is a mobile computer room, the ping values ​​of China Telecom and China Unicom are relatively high, and the ping values ​​of mobile users are considered normal.

There is no limit to the upload speed of Mobile Cloud VPS, reaching the maximum upload speed of local telecommunications.

The download speed of Mobile Cloud VPS is limited to the 1MB package purchased, so the speed is also more than 100 KB/s.

This is using UnixBench to test the VPS comprehensive performance score. The score for 1GB memory is above 1600, which is still acceptable. (Click to enlarge)

Regarding VPS host performance and testing methods, please refer to: Three free tools to help you detect the authenticity of VPS servers - VPS host performance and speed testing methods.

3. Summary

Generally speaking, except for the poor performance of Mobile Cloud VPS host in terms of ping value, other aspects such as VPS performance and download speed are acceptable. Other aspects such as VPS host control panel, system reinstallation and VNC management are also not found to be special. Highlight of the place.

In addition, I have long heard that the speed of mobile network access to foreign countries is very good. After using the mobile cloud VPS host this time, I finally found that this is indeed the case. Through the monitoring platform I established, I found that the speed of mobile network access to hosts in the United States is very stable.

The picture below shows the situation of China Telecom accessing foreign networks. Large shaded blocks indicate unstable lines, while the quality of mobile lines has always been stable. Therefore, if you need to access foreign hosts, you can try a VPS in a mobile computer room.

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