OranMe is a cloud host product of Beijing Juruo Technology. It has been focusing on network security API integrated solutions and developed SaFly Cloud API, including three major modules: SaFly Interact WAF™, SaFly Guard™, and SaFly API System Info. If If you need security protection, you can use SaFly Cloud.

OranMe VPS has recently started operating. It currently provides cheap VPS hosts in Germany at very low prices. The cheapest OpenVZ VPS has 512MB of memory, 10GB HDD hard drive, shared 30 Mbps bandwidth & 200 GB traffic, and the annual payment is 50 yuan. . Currently, OranMe VPS is being promoted, and it only costs 25 yuan after using the discount code, which can be said to be quite cheap.

Of course, one thing to note is that this price is only for IPv6 VPS hosts, but you can purchase the IPv4 address of OranMe VPS separately and bind it to the VPS host. Judging from my trial experience, it is indeed a bit troublesome to use without IPv4, but if it is used to access QQ or as a Web website, there is no problem. See my demonstration for detailed operation methods.

OranMe VPS Host Performance and Speed ​​Evaluation-Germany Cheap VPS Host and IPv6 VPS Host

For more cheap VPS hosts, you can check out the special page I created: VPS host ranking list. Here are some niche and cheap VPS host providers:

  1. Summary of domestic and foreign VPS host student machines and student discounts - low-price VPS host servers for students
  2. ChangeIP VPS host performance and speed test-US KVM VPS starting at US$1.5/month
  3. Domestic Telecom NAT VPS, China Unicom NAT VPS and Mobile NAT VPS usage evaluation-CloudIPLC and Uovz VPS

PS: Updated on October 22, 2019, A pure IPv6 VPS host builds a website and installs applications. In order to be compatible with IPv4, users can access CF's CDN. Method: What about a VPS host without IPv4 and only IPv6? Play? Pure IPv6 VPS to build website and application operations.

PS: Updated on January 8, 2020, OranMe also launched a very cheap Hong Kong VPS host. If you are interested, you can take a look: OranMe Hong Kong VPS host performance and speed evaluation-Cera computer room unlimited traffic three networks Direct connection starts from 200 yuan/year.

1. Introduction to OranMe VPS


  1. HTTPS://wuwuwu.ohranmo.com/
  2. Demo: de1-demo.kvmpp.com
  3. Evaluation: https://wzfou.com/oranme-pingjia/

OranMe currently only provides VPS hosts in German computer rooms, including OpenVZ and KVM. OpenVZ can be used directly after purchase. KVM also requires manual installation of the operating system and configuration of IPv6.

3. KVM VPS installation system

If you purchase a KVM VPS, you need to manually install the operating system and configure the IPv6 network.

Use VNC to enter the KVM VPS, and then basically click Next all the way.

Choose to install the operating system to boot.

System disk.

Configure the network.

We first go to the WHMCS panel to find the IP address of our VPS.

Then click Next and select manual configuration.

Fill in the IP address.

There are also NS addresses.

Finally, remember to check SSH Server when installing add-ons.

Execute ifconfig to view the network card name, such as ens18. Add an IPv6 Address (see Control Panel), for example:

ifconfig {网卡名称} inet6 add {IPv6 地址/CIDR}
# 例如
ifconfig ens18 inet6 add 2001:470:1f0a:b18::121:2/112

Add an IPv6 route (IPv6 Address, see Control Panel), for example:

route -A inet6 add default gw {IPv6 网关}
# 例如
route -A inet6 add default gw 2001:470:1f0a:b18::121:1

Test whether IPv6 is configured correctly, for example: ping6 google.com, as shown below:

4. OranMe VPS speed evaluation

Use SFTP to upload local files to the OranMe VPS server, and the speed is about 400kb/s.

But SFTP download speed is relatively slow.

If it is used to build a website, it is recommended to connect to CloudFlare OranMe, which not only allows IPv4 users to access the server, but also improves the speed. How to operate:

1. Enter the CloudFlare OranMe control panel (https://cloudflare.oranme.com/)
2. Log in with your CloudFlare account (registration: https://dash.cloudflare.com/sign-up)
3. Add the domain name (if the domain name already exists in the CloudFlare official version, please delete it in the CloudFlare official version first and connect to other domain name DNS service providers)
4. Click "Manage DNS" -> "Add New Record"
5. Supports IPv6 records (AAAA). If your KVM++ IaaS IPv6 series server needs to use it, please select "AAAA" in the drop-down list of "Record Type"
6. Return to the DNS management page and view the corresponding CNAME record, such as kvmpp.com.cdn.cloudflare.net
7. Add the corresponding resolution to your domain name DNS service provider.

My test download here can reach full speed. You can experience it yourself: https://de1-demo.kvmpp.com/

Here are the CPU, memory configuration and disk IO read and write speed test results of OranMe OpenVZ VPS.

This article’s reference to VPS host performance and speed testing methods is from: VPS host performance and speed testing methods.

5. Summary

The advantage of OranMe VPS is that it is cheap, has sufficient server bandwidth, cfp has added railgun nodes, and customized The download speed of the server after being connected to CloudFlare OranMe is very fast, which is suitable for high-traffic users.

If you don’t bind an IPv4 address to OranMe VPS, it will be troublesome to get started. If IPv6 is not supported locally, you will have to optimize the local IPv6 first. Of course, for education network users who already have native IPv6, it is still very difficult to use IPv6 VPS. Not bad.

PS: Comment bonus. 20 lucky students will be randomly selected from the first 50 people who leave comments on this article, and each will receive a half-year DE1 OpenVZ – 512 hosting package (IPv6 only).

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