AWS Educate Starter Account of Amazon Cloud Service does not support importing SSL certificates from the control panel. Command line operation is required. The process is as follows:



bash aws/install

The prompt You can now run: /usr/local/bin/aws --version is successful.

Get access_key:

After logging into the console, then open AWS Account

Under the /root folder

vi .aws/credentials





The key is only valid for 3 hours at a time. If it times out, you need to repeat the operation to obtain a new key.

Upload certificate:

Assume that the certificate is  public_key_cert_file.pem, the key is  my_private_key.pem, and the certificate chain is  my_certificate_chain_file.pem, then the command to upload the certificate is:

aws iam upload-server-certificate --path /cloudfront/aws/ --server-certificate-name myServerCertificate --certificate-body file://public_key_cert_file.pem --private-key file://my_private_key.pem --certificate -chain file://my_certificate_chain_file.pem

Response json indicating that the upload was successful

Parameter description: --path: Certificate path (on AWS) 

--server-certificate-name: Certificate name 

--certificate-body: The complete file path of the certificate public key (add file:// before the path, such as file:///root/public_key_cert_file.pem) 

--private-key: The complete file path of the certificate private key (add file:// before the path) 

--certificate-chain: The complete file path of the certificate chain (add file:// before the path)

For certificates with a .crt extension, just change the extension to pem. The certificate chain part must be separated separately and cannot be included in the public key.

Other commands:

List certificates:

aws iam list-server-certificates

Delete the specified certificate:

aws iam delete-server-certificate --server-certificate-name

Certificate upload error

Error message: The specified SSL certificate doesn't exist, isn't in us-east-1 region, isn't valid, or doesn't include a valid certificate chain.
Cause analysis: The certificate must be 2048 bits or less. Let's Encrypt defaults to 3072 bits.

Reference sources:

HTTPS:// front.HTML

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