RSS subscription is a very useful tool. It can help us filter out the information that is important to us among the numerous information. Over the years, we have obtained website building resources and network information through RSS subscription, such as Weibo, Toutiao accounts, WeChat public accounts, etc. can only be used for "reading fast food", as a pastime or "reading newspapers".

RSS subscription can be used as a learning and communication tool to a large extent. Unfortunately, RSS reading has increasingly become a niche behavior. After many RSS readers have been closed, RSS reading is still very popular. Strong, especially if you are a self-media friend, RSS subscription is still very important. Some apps are actually "variants" of RSS.

The only RSS online readers that exist now either have too many advertisements, or the servers are not maintained, and various downtimes or inexplicable errors often occur. So many webmasters will think of building an RSS reader by themselves. After all, blogs can be built by themselves, and it is not very complicated to get an RSS reader.

This article will share the open source free RSS subscription tool FreshRSS. Its function settings are similar to Google Reader, supporting shortcut key operations, multi-users, Ajax loading, data import and export, and statistical data. For more RSS subscription tools and RSS acquisition methods, here are:

  1. Five excellent RSS readers recommended - with a collection of major domestic and foreign RSS readers
  2. Use Huginn to capture RSS and WeChat public account updates from any website - create a one-stop information reading platform
  3. Two excellent open source RSS reader tools: Miniflux and Tiny Tiny RSS-self-built online RSS reader

1. FreshRSS installation


  1. Official website:
  2. Project:
  3. Demo:

FreshRSS installation is similar to our usual WP installation. First, prepare the LNMP or LAMP environment. The free VPS host control panel shared by can automatically install LNMP or LAMP. PHP requires support for cURL, DOM, XML, session, ctype, and PDO_MySQL or PDO_SQLite or PDO_PGSQL.

3. Summary

FreshRSS is very good for those who want to build their own online RSS reader. It supports shortcut keys and has simple installation requirements. It also provides various third-party plug-in extensions, which to a large extent meets the needs of our RSS reader.

FreshRSS can also update RSS feeds by setting scheduled tasks. The reference code is as follows (feeds are updated every hour, pay attention to the replacement path):

9 * * * * php /usr/share/FreshRSS/app/actualize_script.php > /tmp/FreshRSS.log 2>&1

In addition to RSS reading, many people now have the need to capture WeChat public accounts and other web page information. We can use Huginn, an artifact: Huginn Manual Installation Tutorial on Debian/Ubuntu - Capture full-text RSS and WeChat public accounts open source software.

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