Chevereto is a foreign photo album program with many users at home and abroad. It is powerful, convenient and fast. It can be used as a self-built photo album or as a public photo album open to users. Chevereto currently has a free version and a paid version. The difference is that the free version is only updated every six months and does not have hard drive expansion and social sharing functions.

Judging from my personal experience of digging websites, the free version of Chevereto can already meet our needs for storing and externally linked images. Hard drive expansion can only be useful when the number of image files is extremely large, and the sharing function provided by the paid version of Chevereto is only available to foreign users. If you are in China, it is better to change the code and add a sharing button.

Many students think that there are already free photo albums, such as NetEase photo albums, Weibo external link pictures, Youpai Picture Manager, etc., so why bother to build a photo album by yourself? The main reason is that these public photo albums are basically unreliable . Nowadays, the external link photo albums are basically half-dead, and maybe one day they will be officially closed. Therefore, it is still very necessary to create your own photo album as early as possible.

This article will share the installation and use of Chevereto. More information about self-built applications by individual webmasters include:

  1. Give up the free Inoreader self-built RSS reader—Tiny Tiny RSS and FreshRSS
  2. WordPress mall construction-WooCommerce installation and Paypal, Alipay, WeChat settings
  3. Ready-to-use out of the box - simple and practical ImgURL photo album program and Zdir directory listing program (file manager)

PS: Updated on September 3, 2019. For a large number of picture websites and photo albums, it is generally recommended to compress the pictures as much as possible so that the web page loads faster. For the method reference: Let the pictures fly for a while! Website image WebP format batch conversion settings and accelerated effect experience.

PS: Updated on November 13, 2019, For Chevereto anti-spam methods, please refer to: Anti-spam and cheating tool reCAPTCHA verification code service-WordPress, WHMCS and Chevereto settings.

1. Chevereto installation


  1. Project:
  2. Demo:

Prepare the LNMP or LAMP environment, which requires PHP 5.5.0 or above and MySQL 5.0 or above. You can directly use Oneinstack, Pagoda BT panel, etc. in the server control panel list to build it.

Installation and use of Chevereto free photo album program - free self-built picture bed and public photo album

Download the latest version of Chevereto, upload it to your Web root directory, then open the domain name and enter the Chevereto installation interface.

After the image is uploaded, you can click to view the image external link.

At the same time, you can also browse uploaded pictures in Chevereto.

4. Summary

If Chevereto allows anonymous uploads, some non-compliant images may easily appear. You can set the images to require administrator review before displaying. The code is as follows:

#第一步:下载/app/routes/route.json.php,找到$uploaded_id ,添加 $_REQUEST['nsfw'] = 1; 保存后,上传到 /app/routes/overrides目录下。

// Upload to website
$_REQUEST['nsfw'] = 1;
$uploaded_id = CHVImage::uploadToWebsite($source, $logged_user, $_REQUEST);

#第二步:下载/app/themes/Peafowl/snippets/anywhere_upload.php ,去掉NSFW option,替换相关显示。保存后上传/app/themes/Peafowl/overrides/snippets目录下。

<div class="margin-10"><span rel="tooltip" data-tiptip="top" title="<?php _se('Adult contents uploaded will be deleted'); ?>"><name="upload-nsfw" id="upload-nsfw" class="margin-right-5" value="1"><label for="upload-nsfw"><?php _se('Note: Adult content not allowed'); ?></label></span></div>


If the free version of Chevereto cannot meet your needs, you can upgrade to the paid version of Chevereto. The third-party storage feature allows you to create multiple storage centers.

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