A friend previously recommended the aaPanel panel to me on the special page of the server control panel list. This is an international version of the Pagoda Linux panel. It gives me the feeling that it is exactly the same as the Chinese version of the Pagoda Linux panel, except that it is changed to English. The interface is more suitable for foreigners to use, but other functions are the same.

However, aaPanel has several shortcomings compared with the original BT.cn Pagoda VPS host panel. First, the update cycle is slower than the Chinese version, which may be because the official focus is still on the Chinese version; second, the English version of aaPanel encounters problems that are difficult to solve because there is no communication forum and there is no way to communicate.

Friends who want to try something new can come and play with the aaPanel panel. If it is used for formal website building, it is better to choose the BT.cn Pagoda VPS host panel. After all, the Pagoda Linux panel has been developed for several years and all functions have been perfected. At the same time, the stability of the panel has also been greatly improved.

If you want to try more VPS host control panels, you can find them on the special page: Server Control Panel List. More about website construction and server management panels are:

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PS: Updated on October 11, 2018, If you are a student, you can take advantage of your student status to get ultra-cheap or free VPS hosts and space: Domestic and foreign VPS host student machines and student discounts are compiled Summary-Low-price VPS hosting server for students.

1. aaPanel panel installation


  1. HTTPS://wuwuwu.AA panel.com

The aaPanel panel requires a minimum memory of 128MB. The installation command is as follows:

wget -O install.sh http://www.aapanel.com/script/install-en.sh && bash install.sh
wget -O install.sh http://www.aapanel.com/script/install-ubuntu-en.sh && sudo bash install.sh

Just enter the command and click Start.

After a while, aaPanel will be installed, and information such as the login address and password will be displayed.

This is the interface of the aaPanel panel, with functional navigation on the left and detailed information on the right. (Click to enlarge)

aaPanel also has beautiful statistical data and rich statistical functions, allowing you to quickly view CPU, memory, bandwidth and other usage statistics (click to enlarge).

2. Use of aaPanel panel

2.1  Install LNMP or LAMP

aaPanel can directly install Nginx, Mysql, PHP, Apache and other components in the background.

aaPanel can display the software installation progress, and you can directly see whether the installation is successful or not.

aaPanel also provides the installation and configuration of various components such as Redis and Memcached. You can download and install them directly from the software center of the aaPanel backend. (Click to enlarge)

2.2  Bind domain name and start MysqL

Add the domain name in aaPanel, and then set the website path. At the same time, you can also open the MysqL database, set the database name and password, etc. (Click to enlarge)

Of course, you can also add the database name and account in the MysqL database management page in advance.

After the domain name is successfully bound, you can see the website in the website list, and you can continue to adjust the website configuration.

aaPanel provides a wealth of website configuration functions, including domain name, second-level domain name, directory, URL rewriting, default home page, SSL, PHP version, etc., which can be adjusted directly from the background.

2.3  File management and FTP account

aaPanel provides online file management functions, basic file copying, deletion, uploading, renaming, decompression, etc. are no problem.

aaPanel also provides FTP account management functions. You can add FTP accounts and then use FTP software to manage files.

3. Features of aaPanel panel

3.1  Automatically apply for and manage SSL certificates

aaPanel panel comes with Let’s Encrypt free certificate, which can be applied directly from the background and installed automatically.

The applied Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate will be installed directly, and you can use it without any operation.

Open the website and you can see that the domain name has been used with a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate.

Of course, if you have your own SSL certificate, the aaPanel panel provides the function of uploading the SSL certificate. You can directly copy and paste the Key and CRT of your certificate. For more SSL certificates, see the special topic written by wzfou.com: Collection and summary of free SSL certificates.

3.2  Switch PHP version

The aaPanel panel supports the coexistence of multiple versions of PHP. You can directly adjust the PHP version in the website configuration. If you do not see other PHP versions, please go to the software center to download other PHP versions.

3.3  Reverse # proxy

If you want to build a reverse # proxy manually, you can refer to this article: Self-built CDN acceleration-Nginx reverse binding, and the aaPanel panel has the function of automatically setting the reverse binding domain name in the background. Directly enter the domain name you want to reverse. To the website domain name, check to enable reverse direction.

The application of reverse # proxy is still very extensive. If it is normal, we can use it to build CDN acceleration nodes. If it is "abnormal", we can use it to build ###. In short, this function of the aaPanel panel provides us with a very large Convenient, eliminating the trouble of configuring it yourself.

4. Summary

If the aaPanel panel fails to automatically apply for a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate when it is turned on, please first check whether the domain name has been resolved to the server IP. In the demonstration above, I have resolved the domain name to the test server in advance.

I have always been cautious about using VPS host panels, because the VPS panels I have used before have often been exposed to security vulnerabilities, and some vulnerabilities are still fatal. Therefore, my point of view is that if you can do without a VPS panel, don’t use the VPS panel and manually do it yourself. Orders are the best.

For those who have already used the VPS panel, be sure to pay attention to the official website of the panel in a timely manner and update the panel to avoid losses. Regarding strengthening the security of VPS host panel, you can read what I wrote before: Five security suggestions for using free VPS control panel.

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