In the past, the first thing I thought of when using DNS was free DNS, because paying or not paying for DNS domain name resolution does not really seem that important compared to hosting and domain names. In reality, there are also many free DNSs, such as DNSPOD, Cloudxns, Alibaba Cloud Analysis, JD Cloud DNS, etc. You can find more in this article’s summary list of domestic and foreign free DNS domain name resolution services.

Since placing the website abroad, I have found that DNS resolution is still very important. At the beginning, I used DNSPOD, which is free and has the fastest response in China. However, DNSPOD does not support DNSSEC or even CAA. So I switched to a foreign DNS: Google Cloud DNS set up DNSSEC, DNSSEC and CAA can be used.

After using it for a while, I discovered that has a lot of Anycast nodes and also supports Master/Slave DNS, so I started using NS1 DNS domain name resolution. However, it is a pity that the free quota of is very small, and it will definitely be deducted if the quota is exceeded every month, so I used ClouDNS and DNS Made Easy.

Two DNS products suitable for personal use: ClouDNS and DNS Made Easy domain name resolution service

This article will share about ClouDNS and DNS Made Easy domain name resolution services. Both domain name resolution services are relatively cheap. If it is for personal use, 2 US dollars a month is still acceptable. For more DNS resolution, see the topic list: Summary list of domestic and foreign free DNS domain name resolution services. The more useful ones are:

  1. DNS domain name resolution application - free DDNS, IPv6 address and Slave DNS
  2. NS1 DNS domain name resolution uses-Master/Slave master-slave DNS and partition resolution around the world
  3. DNS domain name resolution enables DNSSEC to prevent DNS hijacking-Google Cloud DNS settings DNSSEC

PS: Updated on February 22, 2019, Here is another article that collects excellent free public DNS resolution services at home and abroad: Summary of domestic and foreign public DNS services - faster, safer and more stable local DNS resolution services .

PS: Updated on September 29, 2019, Domestic Huawei Cloud DNS is newly launched. The original DNSPOD’s regional division, custom line and other functions are open for free. Details: Huawei Cloud Free DNS Domain Name Resolution-Smart DNS Line ,Regional, national, provincial and municipal DNS resolution distinction.

1. ClouDNS domain name resolution service


  1. HTTPS://Asia.cloudyou

1.1  Introduction to ClouDNS

ClouDNS has a free DNS quota, but compared with paid DNS, it mainly has DNSSEC without Anycast and subordinate DNS (Note: ClouDNS’s Master DNS does not support DNSSEC for the time being, regardless of whether it is paid or not. , Starting from June 2019, ClouDNS’s Master DNS supports DNSSEC). (Click to enlarge)

ClouDNS comes with a Chinese panel, which is quite friendly to Chinese people. This is the DNS control panel of ClouDNS, where you can add and bind domain names to implement DNS resolution.

ClouDNS currently supports adding the following DNS types:

1. Primary zone: Primary DNS – Records can only be managed from the user interface we provide.

2. Secondary/Backup Zone: Secondary DNS – records can only be managed on the primary server.

3. Free zone: DNS zone containing free domain names. Records can only be managed from our interface.

4. Primary reverse zone: Primary IPv4 or IPv6 reverse zone.

5. Slave reverse zone: is a slave IPv4 or IPv6 reverse zone.

6. Parked area: Simple web page containing contact form, title and description.

ClouDNS has 23 Anycast nodes. In Asia, there are two good nodes in Hong Kong and Singapore.

If domestic Telecom and China Unicom users use ClouDNS NS, their requests will go to Hong Kong, China.

ClouDNS's NS server monitoring is relatively stable, with responses within 200. Monitoring address:

  1. HTTPS://ping.Am I you are DNS

1.2  ClouDNS adds DNS resolution

Click Add Domain Name and select Primary DNS.

Enter your domain name and check the NS records you want to use. If it is a free DNS, there are only two NS records: ns101 and ns102. If you pay, there will be other NS records.

The main functions of ClouDNS's DNS control panel are: DNS records, SOA settings, record templates, cloud domains, mail forwarding, DNS statistics, zone transfer, update domain name, export zone file, import zone, domain sharing, change owner, delete zone . (Click to enlarge)

The DNS resolution records supported by ClouDNS are: A, AAAA, MX, CNAME, TXT, SPF, NS, SRV, Web Redirect, ALIAS, RP, SSHFP, NAPTR, and CAA.

1.3  ClouDNS Master/Slave master-slave DNS

If you want ClouDNS to be the Master DNS, you can click "Zone Transfer" in the DNS panel and then add the IPs allowed by AXFR. Next, go to your Slave slave DNS and start setting it up.

If you want ClouDNS to be used as a Slave DNS, then you can select "Slave/Backup Zone: Secondary DNS" when adding a bound domain name, and then enter your domain name and the IP address of your Master's primary DNS.

After the addition is completed, go to the slave/backup area: Secondary DNS, and then click "Binding Settings". The IPs of the ClouDNS Slave slave DNS will be given. Please add these IPs to the range allowed by your Master's primary DNS.

Here uses NS1 DNS domain name resolution as a demonstration, enters the DNS backend, and then adds these IPs to the allowed list in "Zone Transfers".

This is the ClouDNS Slave slave DNS management panel. (Click to enlarge)

2. DNS Made Easy domain name resolution


  1. HTTPS://DNS horse's

2.1  Introduction to DNS Made Easy

DNS Made Easy has no free quota, only paid DNS. The cheapest one is 30 US dollars per year, 10 domain names, 100 records, and 5 million/month queries.

This is the control panel of DNS Made Easy. The interface is a bit ugly. You can add "DNS" and "Slave DNS" in the lower right corner.

This is the interface for adding resolution records in DNS Made Easy's DNS management. Supported records include A, AAAA, MX, CNAME, TXT, SPF, NS, SRV, Web Redirect, CAA, etc.

There is DNS Made Easy's NS server monitoring here, and the response time is within 200.

  1. HTTPS://ping.我在不了.com/?target=computer database.DNS horse’s easy DNS

2.2  DNS Made Easy slave DNS

Secondary DNS is Secondary DNS. You can directly DNS Made Easy by clicking "Secondary DNS".

Before adding a secondary DNS, you also need to set up an IP Set. This IP is the IP of your primary DNS. uses NS1 DNS domain name resolution as a demonstration. Add the IP address of ns1 here.

Then, you can start adding Secondary DNS, specifying the IP Set during the addition process.

After the addition is completed, DNS Made Easy will also give its own DNS server IP address.

Add these IP addresses to the IP range that your primary DNS allows AXFR requests to, uses the settings of ns1 as a demonstration.

After completing the above operations, wait a moment and you will see that DNS Made Easy has successfully synchronized DNS.

Now, you can go back to your primary DNS and add DNS Made Easy's NS server to the NS record.

Finally, go to your domain name registrar and add the new NS server of DNS Made Easy.

After the DNS resolution takes effect, your domain name will be taken over by both the primary DNS and the secondary DNS. If you modify the DNS record at the primary DNS, it will be synchronized to the secondary DNS in real time.

3. Summary

The two DNS resolution services, and DNS Made Easy, have similar annual payment prices and are more suitable for individual webmasters. The main functions such as CAA, DNSSEC and Anycast DNS are all available, and they have all opened nodes in Hong Kong, Asia, and the domestic use results are pretty good.

It should be pointed out that ClouDNS and DNS Made Easy currently only support Secondary DNS DNSSEC, while Primary DNS does not support DNSSEC. In addition, through route tracing, it was found that NS1's NS goes to node 59 in Hong Kong, and ClouDNS and DNS Made Easy are directly connected.

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