Recently, because the system load of the website is often too high, I checked the reason is that after enabling SWAP due to memory exhaustion, the disk IOWait appears to be high. In my impression, the hard drive of a classic VPS host is an SSD, and the read and write speeds previously tested were as high as GB/s or above. In theory, such a good hard drive is very good for building a website. However, when I tested several classic VPS hosts I was using again, I found that the performance and speed of the classic VPS hosts were much lower than the previous test data. This can be seen from one aspect that the classic VPS hosts are the same The hen's chicks began to increase a lot, which indirectly led to a decline in the performance of the VPS host and a much lower cost performance. This article will share the before and after comparison of the performance and speed of classic VPS hosts. In addition, the price seems to be "rising" year by year. The recent cancellation of the OpenVZ package has made many users "uncomfortable". Generally speaking, the price of VPS hosts is getting more and more expensive, and the cost-effectiveness of VPS hosts is constantly decreasing. Please be careful before choosing.   For more reviews on the use of VPS hosts, you can view the special topic: VPS host ranking list. If you want to pursue a VPS with high IO, it is best to choose SSD. Here are:

  1. Linode Excellent VPS Hosting Experience-Linode VPS Performance Speed ​​Evaluation and Usage Issues
  2. DigitalOcean cloud VPS host performance and speed evaluation-cheap price, good performance but average speed
  3. Kdatacenter Korean VPS host performance and speed evaluation-SK computer room is fast but not easy to use
PS: Updated on December 22, 2018 , for tests and data comparisons of classic VPS hosts in major computer rooms, you can refer here: Some experiences of using classic VPS hosts - Special topic on VPS performance and speed evaluation in major computer rooms Summary.

1. Classic VPS host price increases

Here we take the currently very popular CN2 GIA VPS as an example. The previous price was about ten dollars per month. Now the price of the same package has "silently" increased to US$18/month, which is almost the same price as the VPS host of South Korea's Kdatacenter. Currently, the best and most expensive ones are the CN2 GIA ECOMMERCE plan and the CN2 GIA regular plan, followed by the HONG KONG plan, and finally the CN2 regular plan and the KVM regular plan. The prices of different VPS packages vary greatly, so please choose based on actual conditions. choose.
combo Memory CPU harddisk flow bandwidth Price/dollar Target Remark
CN2 GIA-E 0.5GB 1 core 10GB 0.5TB 1Gbps $49.99/year address 11 computer rooms including DC6 CN2 GIA-E  can be migrated, and the traffic remains unchanged.
CN2 GIA-E 1GB 2 cores 20GB 1TB 2.5Gbps $65.99/half year address 11 computer rooms including DC6 CN2 GIA-E  can be migrated, and the traffic remains unchanged.
CN2 GIA-E 2GB 3 cores 40GB 2TB 2.5Gbps $69.99/quarter address 11 computer rooms including DC6 CN2 GIA-E  can be migrated, and the traffic remains unchanged.
CN2 GIA-E 4GB 4 Nuclear 80GB 3TB 2.5Gbps $49.99/month address 11 computer rooms including DC6 CN2 GIA-E  can be migrated, and the traffic remains unchanged.
CN2 GIA-E 8GB 6 cores 160GB 5TB 5Gbps $75.99/month address 11 computer rooms including DC6 CN2 GIA-E  can be migrated, and the traffic remains unchanged.
CN2 GIA-E 16 GB 8 cores 320GB 8TB 5Gbps $139.99/month address 11 computer rooms including DC6 CN2 GIA-E  can be migrated, and the traffic remains unchanged.
CN2 GIA-E 32GB 10 cores 640GB 10TB 10Gbps $249.99/month address 11 computer rooms including DC6 CN2 GIA-E  can be migrated, and the traffic remains unchanged.
CN2 GIA-E 64GB 12 cores 1280GB 12TB 10Gbps $479.99/month address 11 computer rooms including DC6 CN2 GIA-E  can be migrated, and the traffic remains unchanged.
CN2 GIA package
CN2 GIA 1GB 2 cores 20GB 1TB 1Gbps $25.99/quarter address 10 computer rooms including DC9 CN2 GIA  can be migrated without changing the traffic flow.
CN2 GIA 2GB 3 cores 40GB 2TB 1Gbps $51.99/quarter address 10 computer rooms including DC9 CN2 GIA  can be migrated without changing the traffic flow.
CN2 GIA 4GB 4 Nuclear 80GB 3TB 1Gbps $32.99/month address 10 computer rooms including DC9 CN2 GIA  can be migrated without changing the traffic flow.
CN2 GIA 8GB 6 cores 160GB 5TB 1Gbps $62.99/month address 10 computer rooms including DC9 CN2 GIA  can be migrated without changing the traffic flow.
CN2 GIA 16 GB 8 cores 320GB 8TB 1Gbps $119.99/month address 10 computer rooms including DC9 CN2 GIA  can be migrated without changing the traffic flow.
CN2 GT package
CN2 1GB 1 core 20GB 1TB 1Gbps $49.99/year address 9 computer rooms including CN2 can be migrated without changing the traffic flow.
CN2 2GB 1 core 40GB 2TB 1Gbps $52.99/half year address 9 computer rooms including CN2 can be migrated without changing the traffic flow.
CN2 4GB 2 cores 80GB 3TB 1Gbps $59.99/quarter address 9 computer rooms including CN2 can be migrated without changing the traffic flow.
CN2 8GB 2 cores 160GB 5TB 1Gbps $39.99/month address 9 computer rooms including CN2 can be migrated without changing the traffic flow.
CN2 16 GB 3 cores 320GB 8TB 1Gbps $79.99/month address 9 computer rooms including CN2 can be migrated without changing the traffic flow.
Hong Kong Computer Room Package
HK 2GB 2 cores 40GB 0.5TB 1Gbps $89.99/month address Hong Kong PCCW, non-removable.
HK 4GB 4 Nuclear 80GB 1TB 1Gbps $155.99/month address Hong Kong PCCW, non-removable.
HK 8GB 6 cores 160GB 2TB 1Gbps $299.99/month address Hong Kong PCCW, non-removable.
HK 16 GB 8 cores 320GB 4TB 1Gbps $589.99/month address Hong Kong PCCW, non-removable.
American KVM ordinary package
KVM 1GB 2 cores 20GB 1TB 1Gbps $49.99/year address CN2 9 computer rooms can be migrated, and the traffic to CN2 is 1/3)
KVM 2GB 3 cores 40GB 2TB 1Gbps $52.99/half year address CN2 9 computer rooms can be migrated, and the traffic to CN2 is 1/3)
KVM 4GB 4 Nuclear 80GB 3TB 1Gbps $19.99/month address CN2 9 computer rooms can be migrated, and the traffic to CN2 is 1/3)
KVM 8GB 5 cores 160GB 4TB 1Gbps $39.99/month address CN2 9 computer rooms can be migrated, and the traffic to CN2 is 1/3)
KVM 16 GB 6 cores 320GB 5TB 1Gbps $79.99/month address CN2 9 computer rooms can be migrated, and the traffic to CN2 is 1/3)
KVM 24GB 7 cores 480GB 6TB 1Gbps $119.99/month address CN2 9 computer rooms can be migrated, and the traffic to CN2 is 1/3)

2. Classic VPS host disk IO decreases

The previous hard disk IO read and write of CN2 GIA VPS was basically between 800-900MB/s. Now, the disk IO read and write of the same VPS host I own is only about 200MB/s. This speed is really comparable to Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud.

3. Classic VPS host bandwidth decreases

The decrease in bandwidth mentioned here refers to the decrease in shared bandwidth. It should be because there are too many users and fewer resources are shared. The bandwidth tested in the past can reach about 600MB/s. The current bandwidth test data is around 300MB/s, and the shared bandwidth has dropped by half. The VPS host performance and speed test methods used in this article are referenced from: Three free tools to help you detect the authenticity of the VPS server - VPS host performance and speed test methods.

4. Summary

Some students who have purchased classic VPS hosts can compare with my test data. CN2 GIA VPS reference: CN2 GIA VPS performance and speed, Hong Kong computer room reference: Hong Kong computer room VPS performance and speed, ordinary line "classic" VPS hosting performance and speed. When using a classic VPS host, you need to pay attention to lags at night. American VPS hosts generally have normal access during the day, but problems are prone to occur at night. In particular, CN2 GT is obviously less stable than CN2 GIA. The picture below is CN2 GIA monitoring chart. The picture shows that the ping value of the classic CN2 VPS GIA remains around 200 during the day, but rises to around 250 at night. This is a very interesting pattern. For details, please check: https://ping.wzfou .com/?target=us.banvps The test IP and download speed of each computer room of the classic VPS host are as follows:
Computer room location data center Test IP 100 MB 500 MB 1000 MB
HKHK_1 Hong Kong PCCW None yet None yet None yet
USCA_6 (DC6 CN2 GIA-E) Los Angeles CN2 GIA None yet None yet None yet
USCA_9 (DC9 CN2 GIA) Los Angeles CN2 GIA I am at I am at I am at
USCA_3 (DC3 CN2) Los Angeles CN2 (QN) None yet None yet None yet
USCA_8 (DC8 CN2) Los Angeles CN2 (C3) None yet None yet None yet
USCA_2 (DC2 QNET KVM) Los Angeles QNET 100 MB 500 MB 1000 MB
USCA_2 (DC2 QNET OVZ) Los Angeles QNET 100 MB 500 MB 1000 MB
USCA_4 (DC4 MCOM) Los Angeles COM 100 MB 500 MB 1000 MB
USAZ_2 Phoenix city 100 MB 500 MB 1000 MB
USCA_FMT Fremont 100 MB 500 MB 1000 MB
USNJ new jersey 100 MB 500 MB 1000 MB
USNY_2 New York 100 MB 500 MB 1000 MB
(Undefined) Florida 100 MB 500 MB 1000 MB
EUNL_3 Netherlands 100 MB 500 MB 1000 MB
CABC_1 Canada Vancouver 100 MB 500 MB 1000 MB

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