I have written countless console reviews, and this is my first time writing a book review. The author of this book - Dealer Lao Wang (pseudonym) - is an old friend of mine. In fact, many people know him because he has been active in the blog QQ group and WeChat group. Dealer Lao Wang is also his online name. , you can search for his QQ in the group to "chat" with him.

In my impression, it has been more than a year since the author invited me to write a "recommendation" for this book. Every time I asked whether Lao Wang's book would be published, the answer was usually "soon." The reason why I am looking forward to this book so much is not only because I have never seen a comprehensive book on WordPress on the market.

What's more important is the person "Lao Wang". Writing a WordPress tutorial is not difficult. You can also find a lot of tutorial articles on my blog. However, writing a systematic WordPress website building book cannot be done without a solid foundation. The most important thing is this book. The book looks like a "non-professional" professional book.

[Recommended book] A book that helps you learn how to build a website "Learning WordPress from Zero Basics - From Novice to Master" Tsinghua University Press

1. About the author-Laowang dealer

Lao Wang, currently living in Wuhan, Hubei, is a WordPress enthusiast, founder of the Moeunion Alliance (moeunion.com) and ipc.im (ipc.im), and the founder and organizer of the New Media Industry Association. In my impression, Lao Wang is an observer with unique insights into the Internet and new media. I have read several of Lao Wang’s articles and benefited a lot.

"Lao Wang" is a person with dreams. When chatting with people with dreams, "sparks" of ideas always come up from time to time. Lao Wang’s own “attributes” are reflected in the book. For example, many novices only know that building a website requires a domain name and space, but how to “name” a domain name is a very deep knowledge. After reading this book, You will suddenly become enlightened.

2. About the book-from novice to expert

In December last year, when I learned that "Learning WordPress from Zero Basics - From Novice to Master" was finally published, I immediately went to Taobao to place an order. I was very surprised when I received the book. The content of the book is all about the cutting-edge knowledge of website building. The knowledge system related to website building is very systematic, and there are many things that can be used immediately.

2.1  The content is professional but easy to understand.

As the title of the book says - "Learning WordPress from Zero Basics - From Novice to Expert" - this book is intended for website building enthusiasts. Regardless of whether they have website building knowledge or basic website building skills, this book teaches professional knowledge. It has become an easy-to-understand language and is a good helper to help novices quickly get started with WordPress.

2.2  The content is very systematic and divided into chapters.

At first, I thought this book was just about WordPress, but when I actually received the book, I felt that the "book title" was easily misleading. To be precise, the book introduced all the basic knowledge of website building. Building a website is not only domain name and host, but also DNS resolution, Linux commands, MysqL database, SEO optimization, CDN acceleration, etc., which are all introduced in detail in this book.

However, the content of this book is not separated from WordPress, because WordPress website building also uses DNS resolution, Linux commands, MysqL database, SEO optimization, CDN acceleration, etc., and each content is its own chapter. Readers can completely combine a certain chapter. Come learn how to build a website and you won’t feel “confused”.

2.3  The content is cutting-edge but very practical

Most of the "cutting-edge" technologies discussed in this book have been applied in my blog. For example, two-dimensional self-media site construction examples, using AMP to accelerate WordPress mobile pages, Linux server traffic acceleration: B-B-R, custom system images, instance snapshots, etc. If you build a website, you must use these.

3. About resources - catalog chapters and purchase


Directory introduction Word: Learn WordPress from scratch - Laowang Distributor - Tsinghua University Press

Chapter 6 PDF: Chapter 6

Chapter 14 PDF: Chapter 14

This book talks about domain name registration, DNS resolution, Linux server, website registration, WordPress construction, etc. It is suitable for novices to learn to build websites. The following is an excerpt from the book’s table of contents about WordPress:

#第16章  WordPress站点的简易加速方案	
16.1  Linux服务器流量加速:BBR	
16.1.1  升级Linux系统内核	
16.1.2  安装使用BBR一键安装脚本	
16.2  Web服务端缓存:CDN	
16.2.1  混合型CDN	
16.2.2  专用型CDN	
16.3  PHP加速:代码缓存和进程管理	
16.3.1  PHP代码缓存:Zend OPcache	
16.3.2  PHP进程管理:PHP-FPM	
16.4  数据库加速:Redis和MemCached/MemCache	
#第17章  账号密码简易管理方案	
17.1  管理策略	
17.1.1  常用账号分类	
17.1.2  常用密码分类	
17.1.3  密码生成策略	
17.1.4  找回密码问题管理	
17.2  管理工具	
17.2.1  邮箱分类	
17.2.2  手机号分类	
17.2.3  动态验证码	
17.2.4  第三方密码管理工具	
#第18章  正式开始前的准备工作	
18.1  本地开发环境	
18.1.1  本地开发环境的概念	
18.1.2  安装本地开发环境	
18.1.3  开始配置并使用本地开发环境	
18.2  线上生产环境	
18.2.1  线上生产环境的概念	
18.2.2  线上生产环境的选择	
18.2.3  开始配置并使用线上生产环境	
#第19章  WordPress快速入门	
19.1  安装前的基础知识	
19.1.1  根目录下的robots.txt文件	
19.1.2  根目录下的.htaccess文件	
19.2  安装后需要处理的小细节	
19.2.1  使用youpzt-optimizer优化站点	
19.2.2  删除一些多余的文件	
19.2.3  使用WP SMTP启用站点邮件通知	
19.3  WordPress后台	
19.3.1  菜单栏和工具栏	
19.3.2  “仪表盘”菜单	
19.3.3  “文章”菜单	
19.3.4  “媒体”菜单	
19.3.5  “链接”菜单	
19.3.6  “页面”菜单	
19.3.7  “评论”菜单	
19.3.8  “外观”菜单	
13.3.9  “插件”菜单	
19.3.10  “用户”菜单	
19.3.11  “工具”菜单	
19.3.12  “设置”菜单	
#第20章  WordPress站点运维	
20.1  网站优化加速	
20.1.1  使用Autoptimize整合压缩网站页面代码	
20.1.2  使用Redis和Memcached加速WordPress	
20.1.3  使用第三方服务加速图片	
20.2  搜索引擎优化	
20.2.1  使用AMP加速WordPress移动端页面	
20.2.2  使用Google XML Sitemaps创建站点地图	
20.2.3  使用WP Keyword Link为站点添加关键词链接	
20.2.4  使用Simple URLs将外部链接转换成内部链接	
20.2.5  使用Redirections将老链接永久重定向到新链接	

The author has made the PDF version of some chapters in the book public, and you can download and read it yourself:

Or you can also go to the stores on the site and Youzan stores to buy:

Youzan (WeChat): https://j.youzan.com/OUwdd9

Self-operated store: https://wzfou.com/product/0wordpress/

4. Postscript

Because I was busy with my own affairs around New Year's Day, I took a long time to write the review of this book. I am very familiar with the content of this book, because I figured out how to build a website by myself, and I basically use the methods mentioned in the book, so this book is like a "summary" that novices and veterans can refer to.

This book also has shortcomings. For example, it is too expensive, priced at 79 yuan (about 60 yuan after discount). In addition, there is no electronic tutorial, making it difficult for novices to learn. However, the author is also considering launching corresponding video tutorials. If you encounter anything you don’t understand, you can directly consult Lao Wang.

Of course, for website building, you can also contact me. In 2018, webmaster Qi launched a hosting + service integrated platform - Qiyunfu, which provides technical guidance on hosting and website building. Or, you can also use the free Cpanel space of DiZhanNo: DiZhanNo free space, which has been in operation since 2018.

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