There are too many VPS hosts these days, and many "second-hand" VPSs have become rampant, making it difficult to tell whether they are real or fake. If you want to buy a certain VPS host, you usually have to look at the evaluation data of this VPS host first. In the past, when sharing VPS hosts, I would give VPS performance and speed test reports. This time I will sort out the relevant test tools.

Firstly, I will make a memo for myself, so that when I test VPS in the future, I will not have to go to Baidu to ask for commands. Secondly, I will give some help to my friends who have never used it. These tools are common to many webmaster friends. What is the value of the VPS host I purchased? Whether it is worth the price or not, you will know once you test it with these tools, and the operation is simple and only requires a few commands to complete.

It should be reminded that regarding the IO read and write speed test, based on past experience, the IO read and write speeds of Google cloud servers, Amazon servers, etc. are relatively low, while SSDs perform well in IO. In addition, the speed of foreign VPS hosts depends largely on the quality of the line, and the test speeds at night and during the day will be quite different.

Three free tools to help you detect the authenticity of VPS servers - quick test methods for VPS host performance and speed

For more VPS tutorials and experience methods, you can check out:

  1. VPS host experience - account verification and VPS host performance and speed evaluation
  2. Vestacp Issues: SSL Certificates, HTTP/2, Website Statistics, Online File Management and 301 Redirects
  3. WHMCS integrates Vultr to automatically activate VPS host method - realize VPS distribution on WHMCS

PS: Update record:

1. For a detailed introduction to the unixbench script, please see: VPS host performance scoring tool: UnixBench-one-click test of Linux VPS host performance score . 2020.9.20

2. Updated LemonBench script address. 2020.1.20

3. Add the VPS host CN2 line test method: identify the true and false CN2 line host reference manual. 2017.8.20

Zero, summary of commonly used detection scripts

For ease of use, I summarize here the scripts used for various types of VPS detection. For detailed usage and instructions of the scripts, please refer to the following content.

One-click test server to domestic speed script

chmod +x

One-click script to detect VPS CPU, memory, load, IO reading and writing, computer room bandwidth, etc.:

wget -qO- | bash
curl -Lso- | bash

wget -qO- | bash
curl -so- | bash

#备注: 既是脚本名,同时又是域名。如果以上失效,请使用以下地址下载再执行脚本:

Can be regarded as an enhanced version of

Added Virt detection server type parameter . Common openvz, kvm, and single servers can all be detected. At the same time, integrate the above one-click test server into the domestic speed script:

wget -qO- | bash
curl -Lso- | bash

4. Zench

Zench can be regarded as a combined version of  and  SuperBench. It adds Ping and routing test functions, and will generate an evaluation report, which can be easily shared with other friends to see their own evaluation data:

wget -N --no-check-certificate && bash

5. speedtest-cli

One-click bandwidth detection tool: speedtest-cli

Installation command:

sudo apt-get update
apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install speedtest-cli

yum update
yum -y install epel-release
yum install python-pip
pip install speedtest-cli


-h, --help show this help message and exit 
--share 分享你的网速,该命令会在speedtest网站上生成网速测试结果的图片。 
--simple Suppress verbose output, only show basic information 
--list 根据距离显示speedtest.net的测试服务器列表。 
--server=SERVER 指定列表中id的服务器来做测试。 
--mini=MINI URL of the Speedtest Mini server 
--source=SOURCE Source ip address to bind to 
--version Show the version number and exit

6. unixbench

VPS performance comprehensive benchmark tool: unixbench

The command is as follows:

wget --no-check-certificate
chmod +x

#如果出现错误提示:Failed to download UnixBench5.1.3.tgz, please download it to /opt/unixbench directory manually and try again.手动下载:
cd /opt/unixbench


One-click backhaul ping value test tool: mPing


8. Server review

Serverreview-benchmark comprehensive evaluation tool

This is a VPS host comprehensive evaluation tool written by a foreigner. The main evaluation items include VPS host disk IO, memory read and write, CPU performance and Benchmark performance, as well as the download speed of different nodes in the United States, Europe, Asia, etc. Home page:

How to use the script:

yum install curl -y
curl -LsO; chmod +x && ./ -a share
yum install curl -y
curl -LsO; chmod +x && ./ -a share


LemonBench tool (alias LBench, Lemon Bench) is a server performance testing tool designed for Linux servers. Through comprehensive testing, you can quickly evaluate the overall performance of the server and provide users with server hardware configuration information.

#LemonBench 国内版:
curl -fsL | bash -s fast
#LemonBench 国际版:
curl -fsL | bash -s fast

1. VPS speed test tool

Online testing tool. Using online testing tools can easily obtain the server's response time. This method is particularly effective for foreign VPS. The following is a collection of useful online website speed testing tool websites:

http://ping. Which kind of food to





Each of these online speed testing tools has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is recommended to use to test the server IP and route tracing, to test the web page loading speed, and to test the ping values ​​from different places in the country.

Local testing software. It is recommended to use WinMTR, which is a convenient and easy-to-use route tracing tool. This software can help users directly check the response time and packet loss rate of each node, and is very suitable for customers under Windows to do route tracing and PING testing.

Download address:

Project homepage:

Version with map:

Enable WinMTR and click to update the IP address.

Enter the domain name or server IP you want to track, and then you can see the nodes the data packet passes through and packet loss, etc. It also supports exporting text.

related parameters are described as follows:

Hostname: Each host IP or name that needs to be passed to the destination server
Nr: The number of nodes passed through; Baidu in the above picture is an example: a total of 10 nodes are passed through, the first of which is the exit router
Loss% : The percentage of ping packet reply failures; use this to determine which node (line) is faulty, whether it is the computer room where the server is located or the international routing trunk line
Sent: the number of transmitted data packets
Recv: successfully received data Number of packets
Best: Minimum response time
Avrg: Average response time
Worst: Maximum response time
Last: Response time of the last packet

PS: Updated on September 12, 2017, one-click test server to domestic speed script:

chmod +x

2. VPS performance testing tools

Manual detection command. Use the command directly: cat /proc/cpuinfo or lscpu, and you can see the CPU configuration of the VPS you are using.

For the detected CPU, you can also enter this website: to see how the CPU performance ranks, at least to give yourself an idea.

Another manual command to test disk IO:

dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=4k oflag=dsync 

Manual command to test VPS network:


One-click detection script. Here is a one-click test for VPS CPU, memory, load, IO reading and writing, computer room bandwidth, etc.

wget -qO- | bash
curl -Lso- | bash

wget -qO- | bash
curl -so- | bash

备注: 既是脚本名,同时又是域名。如果以上失效,请使用以下地址下载再执行脚本:

PS: Updated on September 27, 2017, can be regarded as an enhanced version of, with a new Virt detection server type parameter, common openvz, kvm, and independent servers can be detected. At the same time, integrate the above one-click test server into the domestic speed script:

wget -qO- | bash
curl -Lso- | bash

After running the one-click detection script, various system information of the current test will be displayed. Test points taken from well-known data centers around the world are used for download speed testing. IPv6 download speed testing is supported. IO is tested three times and the average value is displayed. Due to the test points They are all abroad, so the domestic server download speed test may fail.

One-click bandwidth detection tool : speedtest-cli, official website:, installation command:

sudo apt-get update
apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install speedtest-cli


-h, --help show this help message and exit 
--share 分享你的网速,该命令会在speedtest网站上生成网速测试结果的图片。 
--simple Suppress verbose output, only show basic information 
--list 根据距离显示speedtest.net的测试服务器列表。 
--server=SERVER 指定列表中id的服务器来做测试。 
--mini=MINI URL of the Speedtest Mini server 
--source=SOURCE Source ip address to bind to 
--version Show the version number and exit

VPS performance comprehensive benchmarking tool. UnixBench is a performance testing tool under Unix-like systems (Unix, BSD, Linux). It is an open source tool and is widely used to test the performance of Linux system hosts. The main test items of Unixbench include: system calls, reading and writing, processes, graphical tests, 2D, 3D, pipelines, operations, C libraries and other system benchmark performance to provide test data. The command is as follows:

wget --no-check-certificate
chmod +x

The test project description is as follows:

Dhrystone 2 using register variables
This item is used to test string handling. Because there are no floating point operations, it is very popular in hardware and software design, compiler and linker options. ), code optimization (code optimazaton), impact on memory cache (cache memory), wait states (wait states), and integer data types (integer data types).

Double-Precision Whetstone
This one tests the speed and efficiency of floating point operations. This test consists of several modules, each of which includes a set of operations for scientific computing. A wide range of C functions: sin, cos, sqrt, exp, log are used for mathematical operations on integers and floating point numbers, array access, conditional branches, and program calls. This test tests both integer and floating point arithmetic operations.

Execl Throughput
This test examines the number of execl system calls that can be executed per second. The execl system call is a member of the exec family of functions. It is a front-end to the execve() function, along with several other similar commands.

File copy
Tests the rate of data transfer from one file to another. Each test uses a different size buffer. This test for file read, write, and copy operations counts the number of file read, write, and copy operations within a specified time (default is 10s).

Pipe Throughput
Pipe (pipe) is the simplest way to communicate between processes. Pipe throughtput here means that a process can write 512 bytes of data to a pipe in one second and then read it back. number of times. It should be noted that pipe throughput has no real counterpart in actual programming.

Pipe-based Context Switching
This tests the number of times (per second) that two processes exchange a growing integer through a pipe. This is very similar to some applications in real programming. This test program first creates a child process, and then performs two-way pipe transmission with this child process.

Process Creation
Tests the number of times a process can create a child process and then retract the child process per second (the child process must exit immediately). The focus of process creation is the creation and memory allocation of the new process process control block (process control block), that is, a sharp focus on memory bandwidth. Generally, this test is used to compare different implementations of this system call created by an operating system process.

System Call Overhead
Tests the cost of entering and leaving the operating system kernel, that is, the cost of a system call. It does this using a small program that calls the getpid function repeatedly.

Shell Scripts
Test the number of times a process can concurrently start n copies of a shell script within one second. n generally takes the value 1, 2, 4, or 8. (I took 1, 8 when testing). This script performs a series of transformation operations on a data file.

Depending on the performance of your VPS, it usually takes more than half an hour to get the running score results. The higher the score, the better the performance. (Click to enlarge)

Here is another VPS speed and performance comprehensive testing tool. You can use it to test the basic configuration of the VPS host, computer room bandwidth, ping value, IO performance, UnixBench scores, etc. with one click. The testing process takes a long time, so you need to wait patiently. .

#普通模式(测试机器配置, IO ,带宽和全国 ping 值):
wget -N --no-check-certificate && bash
简单模式(测试机器配置, IO ,带宽和全国 ping 值):
wget -N --no-check-certificate && bash s
完全模式(测试机器配置, IO ,带宽、全国 ping 值、unixbench跑分):
wget -N --no-check-certificate && bash a

3. VPS host authenticity detection

Detect VPS real memory. First use the command to check the real memory: free -m, then switch to the memory directory: cd /dev/shm, and then write the data. The mark count=100 means writing 100M. You can change it to the one marked by the host brand. The memory limit is a little bit:

dd if=/dev/zero of=./memtest bs=1M count=100
rm ./memtest

Once an error occurs: dd: error writing ‘./memtest’: No space left on device, it means that the memory size is lower than the value we tested. You can continue to reduce the value until you get the real memory.

Detect VPS virtualization technology. The command is as follows:

wget -N --no-check-certificate && bash

The test results will show whether it is KVM, Xen or OpenVZ.

Self-built speedtest test. This is suitable for VPS hosting providers to facilitate customers to test the download speed from the server to the user's local area.

Project homepage:

Modified version:

Upload the program to the server, and after the customer opens it, he can test the speed of the server by clicking on it.

4. Summary

UnixBench performance scores are greatly affected by versions. UnixBench currently has different versions, and many versions on the Internet have been manually modified. The results may be different due to different test projects. Remember to find a reference for comparison when testing.

IO read and write speed is greatly affected by the host machine. There are some overbooked servers. Due to the large number of users, the IO speed is very slow. Be careful of your "neighbors" like this. When using one-click script detection, if it is used in a domestic VPS, the network speed test will freeze.

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