I have used Qiniu Cloud CDN for several years before. HTTPS was not very popular at that time, so it is very good to use Qiniu Cloud CDN to accelerate HTTP static files. The price is cheap and there are many domestic nodes. And it seems that Qiniu Cloud is the first to launch the mirror storage function, which can achieve seamless connection with CDN acceleration services. Nowadays, there are more and more major cloud storage merchants, and everyone’s choices are also diversified. In addition to Qiniu Cloud, others such as Youpai Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, etc. all have cloud storage services. FTP, mirroring, API and other management methods meet the needs of different users. In addition, the price of cloud storage services in recent years has also increased. Keep getting lower. It is quite easy to get started with Qiniu Cloud CDN. This article will quickly introduce the operation and use of Qiniu Cloud CDN mirror storage service. It can be mainly used to speed up the access speed of static files such as pictures/CSS/JS. In addition, Qiniu Cloud CDN also provides TrustAsia free SSL certificate, and interested friends can apply for it. For more information about CDN acceleration, you can also check out:

  1. Self-built CDN acceleration-Nginx reverse binding, cache acceleration, automatically update cache and obtain real IP
  2. Ten CloudFlare Free CDN Acceleration Tips You May Not Know-SSLDDOSCache
  3. Join Cloudflare Partner to provide CloudFlare CDN acceleration service for free - no need to modify NS to support SSL
PS: Updated on May 2, 2018, If you want to use Youpaiyun CDN, you can read this article: Youpaiyun CDN accelerated application tutorial - one-click mirroring, static and dynamic CDN and Free SSL.

1. Introduction to Qiniuyun CDN

Link URL:
  1. Official website: https://www.qiniu.com/
  2. Recommended: https://portal.qiniu.com/signup?code=3lqwoh66cppox
Qiniuyun CDN charges mainly traffic + Put/Delete requests. Generally speaking, the price is relatively low. If it is HTTPS + overseas, the traffic fee will be more expensive. This is the bill of wzfou.com Qiniu Cloud CDN. You can see that traffic and request billing are based on tiers. (Click to enlarge) Qiniu Cloud CDN provides 5GB of download traffic per month (the maximum cumulative limit can reach 40GB) for each friend invited to join Qiniu Cloud and become an authenticated user! The free traffic you receive will take effect from the next calendar month and will be valid forever.

2. Create Qiniu Cloud Storage

Enter Qiniu Cloud Storage and click to create a storage space. You can choose different nodes such as East China, North China, South China, North America, and Southeast Asia. This is the management panel of Qiniu Cloud Storage. It mainly has functions such as data statistics, content management, image storage, binding domain names, style separator settings, picture styles, space authorization, life cycle, space settings, etc. (Click to enlarge) Qiniu Cloud Storage provides an API that can be used to manage space files, as well as a Web file management interface. You can enter the management panel of Qiniu Cloud Storage to directly upload, delete, and view files.

3. Qiniu Cloud Mirror Storage

The best thing about Qiniu Cloud CDN is probably the mirror storage, which is especially suitable for the storage and acceleration of JS, CSS, pictures, videos, MP3 music and other static files. Fill in the domain name of the website you want to accelerate in the "mirror storage" source. Then set the cache time of a static file in the "Life Cycle". The default is 30 days. You can adjust it according to your own needs. Qiniu Cloud CDN also provides an online update cache, which can refresh a URL link or directly refresh a directory cache.

4. Qiniu Cloud bound domain name

Now Qiniu Cloud no longer provides free HTTPS second-level domain names. The test domain names generated at the same time are limited to total traffic, single IP access frequency, and speed limits, and are for testing purposes only. In short, if you want to use Qiniu Cloud, you must have a registered domain name.

5. Qiniu Cloud Free SSL

Qiniu Cloud CDN also provides TrustAsia free SSL certificates. The application verification method is the same as in my collection and summary of free SSL certificates - adding Https secure encrypted access to the website for free. Everyone has another channel to apply for free SSL certificates.

6. Problems using Qiniu Cloud

6.1  Overseas acceleration nodes

Qiniu Cloud CDN has many domestic acceleration nodes, but when using wzfou.com, the overseas acceleration nodes either do not take effect or have 403 errors. In short, the impression of Qiniu Cloud CDN's overseas acceleration is not very good.

6.2  Modified configuration is slow to take effect

HTTPS configuration takes up to a week, and HTTP configuration also takes two or three days. In short, when the product is eager to go online, the problem of slow Qiniu Cloud CDN configuration taking effect can really scare you to death.

6.3  Customer service technical support issues

This problem seems to have "inherited" Alibaba Cloud's "common problem": strong promotion, but after-sales support. In the past, Qiniu Cloud CDN seemed to not even have a work order system. Later, when the work order system was opened, the responses were slow or the answers were incorrect. I don't know if there is any improvement now.

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