.user.ini is an lnmp file, which contains the folder path address of the website. The purpose is to prevent cross-directory access and cross-directory reading of files. In a certain sense, it ensures potential security issues that may be caused by unknown PHP code. .

The configuration is placed in the root directory .user.ini

open_basedir=/project path/:/tmp/:/proc/     



It is worth noting that the above path must end with a slash. If it does not end with a slash, it represents a series of directories starting with the corresponding names. For example: /user represents /user(*)/, so please be sure to pay attention to the use of slashes.

At the same time, pay attention to setting the permissions for modifying files to be higher than the permissions for the root directory code to prevent them from being modified by direct operations.


HTTPS://news N.net/say/user-INI-more-safe.HTML


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